Laser Hair Removal

The majority of us have some areas of unwanted hair that we either shave, pluck, wax, or cover up. Laser hair removal offers a longlasting solution. Over time, it is more cost effective than purchasing razors, wax or waxing sessions, depillatories, etc. It is also gentler on the skin as it is not tearing outContinue reading “Laser Hair Removal”

Skin Rejuvenation

When topical skincare is not enough, there are a vast array of medical grade devices that can be used to heal the skin or even boost its own natural healing processes. No serum, ointment, cream, or supplement can quite deliver the results as quickly and effectively as a targeted procedure. Many of us have skinContinue reading “Skin Rejuvenation”


We will help shed your bad habits, damaged skin, scars, and signs of aging Skincare is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Skin has many layers and so our regimens will also contain many layers, steps, and treatments. Our skincare procedures performed by an aesthetic-trained provider will treat the epidermal layers of your skin.Continue reading “Skincare”

Skincare solutions for everyone

I grew up with brown skin, that tans easily, grows hair easily, dries out easily, breaks out easily and was anything but easy to treat. Not because my skin conditions were difficult to treat, but because my skin color was. I was told that over-the-counter products were not suitable for my skin — either notContinue reading “Skincare solutions for everyone”

Our Mission

Devoted to you and your skin. We want to take a holistic approach to skincare. Most people learn how to take care of their skin from their parents or other close relatives, whether it be directly by instruction or indirectly by observation. However, we are not often given tailored advice regarding the care of ourContinue reading “Our Mission”